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Politique de Vie Privée

Aspire Global International LTD (“la Société”) est une société enregistrée à Malte dans le but de proposer des jeux en ligne ainsi que des applications de jeux mobiles. Nous respectons votre vie privée et sommes également engagés à protéger la vie privée de nos utilisateurs (“utilisateur” ou “vous”).

La Société proposons des services de jeux en lignes et de jeux mobiles via nos marques internes (chacune de nos "Marques Internes"), via une marque tiers "white label" (chacune de ces "Marque White Label" et via now plateformes de joux mobile. br /> La société et les dirigeants des Marques de distributeur (le cas échéant) (collectivement "nous" ou "notre") ont rédigés cette politique de cookie (collectivement: “Politique de Vie Privée”) afin de mettre en valeur nos pratiques en ce qui concerne la collecte de donnée, l’utilisation et la divulgation de vos informations à travers nos sites internet, applications et plateformes de jeux contrôlés par nos soins (collectivement “les Services ”).

La Politique de Vie Privée fait partie de nos Terms de Service et y est incorporée par référence.

Veuillez noter: Si vous jouez ou créez un compte au Royaume-Unis (UK) ou au Danemark, tout ce qui fait référence à "la Société” doit être considéré comme une référence à AG Communications LTD, qui fait partie du même groupe d’entreprises qu’Aspire Global International LTD.

Nous vous conseillons de prendre connaissance de notre Politique de Vie Privée afin de pouvoir prendre des décisions en connaissance de causes. En utilisant nos Services, vous acceptez les conditions de notre Politique de Vie Privée et votre utilisation continue de nos Services constitue un accord à cette Politique de Vie Privée.

Dans notre Politique de Vie Privée, vous prendrez connaissance:

  • Quels types d’informations nous collectons

      Nous collectons deux types d’informations auprès de nos utilisateurs.

      Le premier type d’information, non-identifié et non-identifiable, est relatif à tout utilisateur, qui peut être disponible ou collecté via votre utilisation des Services (“Information Non-personnelle”). Nous ne connaissons pas l’identité d’un utilisateur grâce aux informations Non-personnelles collectées. Les informations Non-personnelles qui sont collectés peuvent comprendre vos informations d’utilisations agrégées et des informations techniques transmises par votre appareil, comprenant certaines informations matérielles et logicielles (ex. le type de moteur de recherche et système d’exploitation utilisé sur votre appareil, la langue de préférence, l’heure d’accès ainsi que le nom de domaine du site internet qui vous a lié à nos Services; etc.), dans le but d’améliorer les fonctionnalités de nos Services.

      Le second type d’information est une information identifiable individuellement, à savoir des informations qui identifient un individu ou peuvent sans trop de difficulté identifier un individu (“Information Personnelle”). Lorsque vous utilisez nos Services via une Marque Interne ou une Marque White Label, nous vous demanderons de fournir des Informations Personnelles. Les Informations Personnelles que nous collections à travers nos Services comprennent des informations soumises directement par l’utilisateur, tel que: numéro de téléphone; nom complet; adresse e-mail; adresse postale; date de naissance; méthode de paiement (ex. numéro de carte de crédit); et autres informations financières dont nous pourrions avoir besoin pour nos Services.

      Nous serons également peut être amenés à collecter des Informations Personnelles depuis votre appareil de connexion (ex. information de géolocalisation, adresse IP) et information sur votre activité sur nos Services (ex. pages consultées, navigation en ligne, cliques, actions, etc.).

      Si nous combinons des Informations Personnelles avec des informations Non-personnelles, l’ensemble de ces informations seront traitées comme des Informations Personnelles aussi longtemps qu’elles resteront combinées.

  • La façon dont nous collectons des informations

    Trois méthodes principales sont utilisées afin de collecter des informations :

    a. Nous collectons des informations à travers votre utilisation de nos Services. En d’autres termes, lorsque vous utilisez nos Services, nous en sommes conscients et il se peut que nous collections des informations, soit de façon indépendante, soit à travers l’aide d’un tiers comme détaillé ci-dessous.

    b. Nous collectons des informations que vous nous transmettez volontairement. Par exemple, nous collectons des Informations Personnelles que vous fournissez lorsque: (i) vous répondez à des communications de notre part; (ii) vous ouvrez un compte et utilisez nos Services et lorsque (iii) vous communiquez avec nous via chat ou email.

    c. Nous collectons des informations grâce à nos partenaires white label et nos partenaires de service tiers, telles que des informations concernant votre historique de carte de crédit et autres informations financières pertinentes pour nos Services, tout comme des informations collectées dans le but de vérifier votre identité ou prévenir de tout activité frauduleuse ou illégale.

  • Cookies

    Nous, ainsi que nos partenaires de confiance, utilisons des cookies et autres technologies à travers nos différents services, y compris lorsque vous visitez notre site ou accédez à nos Services.

    Un "cookie" est un élément d’information qu’un site internet associe à votre appareil lorsque vous vous trouvez sur un site internet. Les cookies sont serviables et peuvent être utilisés pour de multiples raisons. Entre autre, ils vous permettent de naviguer d’une page à l’autre de manière efficace, d’activer automatiquement certaines fonctions, de se souvenir de vos préférences mais également de rendre les interactions entre vous et nos Services rapide et facile. Les cookies sont aussi utilisés afin d’assurer que les publicités diffusées sur les pages que vous visitiez soient cohérentes et en lien direct avec vos intérêts mais aussi afin de compiler des informations dans le but de créer des statistiques sur votre utilisation de nos Services.

    Notre site internet utilise quatre types de cookies différents: (i) les 'cookies de session' qui sont stockés de façon temporaire sur une session de moteur de recherche dans le but d’autoriser une utilisation normale du système et sont supprimés de votre appareil lorsque votre moteur de recherche est fermé; (ii) les 'cookies persistants' qui sont en lecture seule sur notre site internet, sauvegardé sur votre ordinateur pendant une période fixe et ne sont pas supprimés lorsque votre navigateur de recherche se ferme. Ce type de cookies sont utilisés lorsque nous avons besoin de savoir qui vous êtes dans le cas de visites répétitives, afin de nous autoriser à garder vos préférences lors de vos prochaines connexions; (iii) les 'cookies tiers’ qui sont installés par d’autres sites internet et qui proposent le contenu de la page sur laquelle vous vous trouvez, par exemple par

    Des sociétés externes d’analyses qui suivent et analysent votre accès à internet; et nos (iv) 'cookies flash’ qui sont sauvegardés durant un jeu afin de vous permettre une meilleure et rapide expérience des jeux en ligne.

    Vous pouvez retirer les cookies en suivant les instructions relatives aux préférences de votre appareil; malgré cela, si vous choisissez de désactiver les cookies, il se peut que certaines des fonctions de nos Service ne fonctionnent pas proprement et votre expérience en ligne sera limitée.

  • La manière dont nous utilisons les informations que nous collectons

    Nous utilisons et partageons des Informations Personnelles de la manière décrite dans notre politique de Vie Privée. Les informations personnelles seront divulguées à un tiers uniquement dans un but spécifique et dans la mesure du nécessaire, comme stipulé dans notre Politique de Vie Privée, et dans ce cas-là, il se peut que nous ayons besoin de l’autorisation d’un tiers afin de procéder à ces informations en accord avec notre Politique de Vie Privée.

    En addition des finalités listées au-dessus, les informations que nous collectons, qui peuvent inclure des Informations Personnelles, peuvent également être utilisées pour les raisons suivantes :

    • Installer votre compte et vous proposer nos Services (ex. envoyer vos chèques, procéder à vos paiements; etc.)
    • Identifier et authentifier votre accès à certaines fonctions de nos Services;
    • Communiquer avec vous afin de vous tenir informé de nos dernières mises à jour;
    • Commercialiser nos sites internet et produits ou ceux, faisant partie du même groupe de sociétés, dans lequel nous faisons partie (“le Groupe”) ou ceux de nos partenaires ou marketing affiliés (voir ci-après “marketing”);
    • Vous proposer de la publicité lorsque vous utilisez nos Services;
    • Entreprendre une recherche ou une analyse anonyme afin d’améliorer et de personnaliser nos Services en fonction de vos besoins et intérêts;
    • Supporter et vous apporter de l’aide lorsque vous utilisez nos Services, répondre à vos demandes; et
    • Enquêter sur des infractions et appliquer nos politiques, comme requis par la loi, régulation ou autres autorités gouvernementales, ou dans le but de se conformer à une citation ou un procédé légal similaire ou répondre à une demande du gouvernement.
    Avec qui partageons-nous ces informations collectées (“Bénéficiaires”)

    Nous ne louons, ne vendons ou ne partageons pas vos informations personnelles, avec des tiers, sauf conformément à ce qui est décrit dans notre Politique de Vie Privée.

    Il se peut que nous partagions des Informations Personnelles avec les Bénéficiaires suivants : (i) nos filiales commerciales; (ii) nos partenaires white label; (iii) les sociétés faisant partie du Groupe et autres sociétés affiliées (iv) les sous-traitants et autres prestataires de services tiers; (v) les auditeurs ou conseillers de l’un des processus du Groupe; et (vi) tout acheteur potentiel ou investisseur de n’importe quelle autre société au sein du groupe ou de la Marque de distributeur.

    En complément des objectifs listés dans la Politique de Vie Privée, il se peut que nous partagions vos Informations Personnelles avec nos Bénéficiaires pour l’une des raisons suivantes :
      Vous proposer nos Services (ex. via nos Marques Internes, via nos Marques White Label ou via nos plateformes de jeux mobile);
  • Conserver ces informations en notre nom;
  • Traiter ces informations afin de nous assister à nos activités commerciales (ex. afin de procéder à vos paiements ainsi que vos dépôts; authentifier vos accès; vérifier nos opérations, etc.);
  • Entreprendre des recherches, des diagnostiques techniques ou analytiques; et
  • Communiquer sur nos matériels promotionnels et explicatifs, conformément à notre politique de marketing.
  • Nous divulguons ce genre d’Informations Personnelles, ou n’importe quelle information soumis par vos soins via nos Services si nous jugeons que cette divulgation de bonne foi peut apporter de l’aide et est nécessaire à: (i) se conformer aux lois applicables, régulation, procédé légal ou une demande du gouvernement; (ii) renforcer nos politiques (comprenant nos Accords), comprenant des recherches sur de potentielles infractions; (iii) enquêter, détecter, prévenir ou prendre action en cas d’activités illégales ou d’irrégularités, de suspicion de fraude et pour des raisons de sécurité; (iv) afin d’établir ou d’exercer nos droits de défendre contre des actions en justice; (v) prévenir un préjudice aux droits, propriété ou sécurité, de nos utilisateurs, nous-même ou de toute personne tiers; ou (vi) dans le but de collaborer avec les agents de renforcement des lois et/ou, si nous le trouvons nécessaire, afin de renforcer la propriété intellectuelle ou autres droits légaux.

    Collecte d’informations d’un tiers

    Notre politique concerne uniquement l’utilisation et la divulgation d’informations que nous collectons. Dans le cas où vous divulgueriez vous-même des informations à d’autres sites via nos Services (ex. En cliquant sur un lien pour vous rendre sur un autre site ou endroit) ou via différent site sur internet, différentes règles seront applicables quant à leur utilisation ou divulgation d’informations que vous leur donnez.

    Il est important de noter que chaque service tiers possède sa propre politique de vie privée, de ce fait, nous vous recommandons d’en prendre connaissance et de les lire avec attention. L’addition d’un lien vers un site externe ne constitue pas une forme de promotion ou de recommandation d’un tel site ou service. Les sites internet externes peuvent contenir des informations ou services illégaux, déraisonnables, inappropriés, offensifs selon l’utilisateur. Avant d’utiliser un site externe ou d’effectuer un achat, nous vous recommandons de lire avec attention et de bien comprendre les termes et conditions, la politique de vie privée et les garanties de ces sites, services ou produits afin d’être sûr d’être en accord avec ces termes. Vous acceptez que nous ne soyons en aucun cas responsables de ces produits, services ou descriptions de ces produits ou services que vous recevez de la part d’un site tiers ou que nous ne soyons pas responsables du contenu et des pratiques concernant la confidentialité de ces sites, et que cette Politique de Vie Privée ci n’est pas applicable à un produit ou service tiers. Vous prenez volontairement et sciemment des risques en utilisant un site externe afin de profiter d’un service ou d’acheter des produits. Vous reconnaissez par la présente que nous ne sommes pas responsables de quelque manière que soit, du respect et de votre utilisation de sites tiers.

  • Pendant combien de temps conservons-nous ces informations collectées ?

    Nous valorisons votre vie privée et exerçons un contrôle ferme sur vos informations personnelles . De ce fait, vous pouvez nous demander à tout moment d’effectuer une modification ou une mise à jour par email à Contact Us Vous pouvez également nous demander de corriger des erreurs ou de supprimer vos informations personnelles (hormis votre historique de transactions et autres informations que nous devons conserver conformément aux lois en vigueur) en nous envoyant un email à Contact Us De plus, si vous utilisez les Services d’une Société Interne, vous pouvez changer vos informations personnelles en cliquant sur le bouton 'Mise à Jour du compte ‘ sur notre site internet.
    Veuillez noter que, sauf indication contraire de votre part, nous conserverons ces informations collectées aussi longtemps que nous en aurons besoin afin de proposer nos Services et de nous conformer à nos obligations légales, de résoudre nos disputes et renforcer nos accords.

    Il se peut que nous modifions, remplacions ou supprimions des informations incomplètes ou erronées, à tout moment et à notre entière discrétion.

  • Comment protégeons-nous et transférons vos informations ?

    Nous prenons soin d’implémenter et de maintenir la sécurité de nos Services ainsi que de vos informations. Nous appliquons les procédures standards de l’industrie et normes afin d’assurer la sécurité des informations de nos utilisateurs, et de prévenir l’utilisation interdites de celles-ci. Bien que nous prenions toutes les mesures nécessaires pour la sécurité de vos informations, nous ne pourrons pas être tenu responsables dans le cas où un accès non autorisé ou un abus de nos Services serait perpétré, et nous ne pouvons donner aucune garantie, impliquée ou non, que nous soyons dans la capacité de bloquer un tel accès.

    Etant donné que nous assurons un service de façon globale, il nous sera sûrement nécessaire de transférer vos informations personnelles dans un pays en dehors de l’union européenne. La protection des données et autres lois de ces pays ne seront peut-être pas aussi compréhensives que celle de l’Union Européenne – c’est pourquoi nous ferons ce qui est en notre possible pour vous assurer un niveau de protection similaire en ce qui concerne vos Informations Personnelles. Par la présente, vous consentez au transfert de vos Informations Personnelles dans des pays en dehors de l’Union Européenne.

    Si vous avez l’impression que votre vie privée n’a pas été traitée en accord avec notre politique, ou si vous pensez qu’une personne a tenté d’abuser de nos Services ou a agi d’une manière inappropriée, merci de nous contacter directement par email à Contact Us

  • Publicité

    Nous utilisons une technologie externe afin de faire de la publicité lorsque vous visitez nos sites internet et utilisez nos Services. Cette technologie utilise des informations non-personnelles en ce qui concerne votre utilisation des Services pour vous proposer de la publicité adéquate (ex. en plaçant un cookie tiers sur votre moteur de recherche). Il est également possible que nous utilisions un tiers afin de nous assister dans l’évaluation du succès de nos publicités.

    Vous pouvez vous désabonner de réseau de publicité tiers, y compris ceux opérés par un membre du Network Advertising Initiative (“NAI”) et du Digital Advertising Alliance (“DAA”). Pour plus d’informations en ce qui concerne les pratiques des membres de la NAI et du DAA, et vos choix concernant ces informations utilisées par ces sociétés, y compris la manière de se désinscrire de ce réseau opéré par les membres du NAI et du DAA, veuillez s’il-vous-plait visiter leur site internet respectifs: Networkadvertising et aboutads.info .

  • Marketing

    Nous pouvons utiliser vos renseignements personnels, tels que votre nom, votre adresse email, votre numéro de téléphone etc. nous-même ou en utilisant nos sous-traitants tiers dans le but de vous proposer du matériel promotionnel, concernant nos Services, comme nos produits, nos services, nos site internet et nos applications qui concernent: (i) d’autres sociétés au sein des; (ii) Marques de distributeur; ou (iii) nos partenaires et affiliés; (collectivement: “Affiliés Marketing”), qui nous le pensons, vous intéressera.

    Il ne peut que nous partagions et divulguions des informations personnelles avec nos Affiliés Marketing dans le but de vous proposer différentes offres que nous ou nos affilies jugeons pertinentes. Nos Affiliés Marketing utiliseront ces données personnelles avec de nombreuses différentes techniques de marketing, comme l’email direct, le SMS et le téléphone.

    Par respect à votre droit à la confidentialité, nous vous permettons de décliner à tout moment les futures communications et offres par "marketing" de notre part ou de l’un de nos Marketing affiliés. En complément, à tout moment, vous pouvez vous désinscrire afin de ne plus recevoir de supports marketing en nous envoyant un message contenant uniquement le mot "retirer" à Contact Us

    Si vous vous désabonnez, nous retirerons votre adresse email de notre liste de distribution ainsi que des possibles futurs listes que nous Marketing Affiliates. En revanche, il se peut que vous ayez besoin de vous désabonner séparément d’offres marketing que nos partenaires vous enverront. Veuillez toutefois noter que même si vous vous désabonnez de notre liste de distribution, il se peut que nous continuions à vous envoyer des mises à jour et notifications liéés à notre service.

    Par la présente, vous prenez connaissance et acceptez le fait qu’en téléchargeant, en installant ou en utilisant nos Services, il est possible que nous partagions vos Informations Personnelles auprès de nos Partenaires de confiance dans le but d’e-mail marketing.

  • Transaction d’entreprise

    Il se peut que nous partagions des Informations, et cela comprenant des Informations personnelles, dans le cas d’une transaction d’entreprise (ex. vente d’une part substantielle de notre business, fusion, consolidation, vente ou transaction d’un bien en fonction de l’opération) de la Société ou toute autre Société au sein du Groupe. Dans le cas où l’une des possibilités ci-dessus arriverait, la société acquérant ou le cessionnaire d’action prendra responsabilité des droits et obligations tels que décrit dans la Politique de Vie Privée.

  • Mineurs

    Les Services ne sont pas désignés pour des utilisateurs en dessous de l’âge légal de 18 ans. Si vous avez moins de 18, vous ne pouvez utiliser ou télécharger nos Services i-même nous fournir des Informations Personnelles vous concernant.

    Nous nous réservons le droit d’accéder et de vérifier les informations personnelles que nous collectons à votre sujet. Dans le cas où nous devrions prendre connaissance du fait que vous ayez moins de 18 ans, nous écarterons immédiatement cette possibilité. Si vous avez la moindre raison de croire qu’un mineur a partagé ces informations avec nous, merci de nous contacter par email via Contact Us

  • Mises à jour ou changements apportés à notre Politique de Vie Privée

    De temps à autre, nous apportons modification à notre Politique de Vie Privée, à notre entière discrétion et la version la plus récente est postée sur notre site internet (comme indiquée dans notre rubrique "Dernière Mise à jour"). Nous vous encourageons à consulter de façon régulière notre page de Politique de Vie Privée afin de prendre connaissance des changements apportés. Dans l’éventualité où de telles modifications seraient apportées, nous vous en informerons via nos Services ou par email.

    Votre utilisation continue de nos Services, suivant notre notification de telles modifications sur notre site internet, constitue votre prise de connaissance ainsi que de votre consentement de tels changements en ce qui concerne la Politique de Vie Privée, ainsi que votre accord d’y être liés par les présentes modalités.

  • Comment nous contacter

    Si vous avez des questions générales à propos de nos Services ou des informations que nous collectons vous concernant et de ce que nous en faisons, veuillez nous contacter par mail à Contact Us

  • A propos de nous

    Aspire Global International LTD>- 135, High street, Sliema SLM 1549, Malta
    Aspire Global LTD- Suites 7b & 8b, 50 Town Range, Gibraltar
    AG Communications LTD- 135, High street, Sliema SLM 1549, Malta
    AG Software LTD- 135, High street, Sliema SLM 1549, Malta



    Last revised: 22/12/2020
    INTRODUCTION Aspire Global International LTDAspire Global Limited, which includes all of the entities specified below under “The Group” section, including its affiliates (collectively, the (“ Company”) offers online gambling services (collectively, the Services via:
    • Its own in-house brands (each, an "In-House Brand"; together with the Company: “Group”, "we", "our" or "us"), and
    • Third party brands and their respective affiliates (each, "White Label Brand").

    The Group is deeply committed to safeguard the privacy expectations of its users (“User(s)”, “you” or “your”). Accordingly, we have put in place this Privacy Policy, which outlines our data protection practices, including how we collect, use, disclose and protect your Personal Information, as well as your rights with respect to your Personal Information.

    In this Privacy Policy you will read about:
    We encourage you to read the Privacy Policy carefully and use it to make informed decisions. By visiting the Group’s websites, mobile apps or other online properties, or by creating an account through our Services, you hereby agree to the Privacy Policy.


      The Group includes the following companies:

    • Aspire Global 7 Limited- 135, High street, Sliema SLM 1549, Malta
    • Aspire Global plc- Level G, office 1/5086, Quantum House, 75 Abate Rigord Street, Taw Xbiex XBX 1120, Malta
    • Aspire Global Limited- Suites 7B & 8B, 50 Town Range, GX11 1AA, Gibraltar
    • Aspire Global International LTD- 135, High street, Sliema SLM 1549, Malta
    • AG Communications LTD- 135, High street, Sliema SLM 1549, Malta
    • AG Software LTD- 135, High street, Sliema SLM 1549, Malta

    • Internet websites;
    • Downloadable applications and software ("Software"), such as native applications which are distributed through mobile application stores and PC and Mac desktop software which can be downloaded to your computer;
    • Non-downloadable online applications (e.g. flash applications, HTML5 applications, etc.);
    • Facebook applications; and
    • White Label Brands.


    We collect two types of information from our Users:

    • Personal Information
    The first type of information is information that identifies or may reasonably identify an individual reasonable effort (“Personal Information”). Personal Information which is being gathered may consist of the following:

    • Registration details: When you open an account and register to use the Services, you will be asked to provide us certain details about yourself, such as: first and last name, email address, gender, birth data, physical address, ID number, phone number, occupation, etc.

    • Governmental-issued ID: In certain instances, you will be required to provide a copy of a governmental-issued ID, for identity verification process. Please note that this information is required for certain features of our Services.

    • Payment information: In order for you to enjoy all of the functions of the Services (e.g. place bets, perform purchases, play in tournaments, etc.), payment information will be collected from you, such as your debit card number and bank account details.

    • Voluntary information:We also collect information which you provide us voluntarily. For example, when you respond to communications from us, communicate with us via email or share additional information about yourself through your use of the Services, such as on the chat feature and in games.

    • Device information: We collect specific types of connection details and information with regard to your device, software or hardware that may identify you, such as: device’s unique identifiers (e.g. UDID, IMEI, MAC address), browser fingerprinting, IP address and geo-location data.

    • Telephone calls: We record or monitor telephone calls for customer support, training and/or security purposes.

    • Social networks: When you register through your social network account (such as your Facebook account), to use the Services or connect your player account with such account, we will have access to basic information from your social network account, such as your name, birthdate, profile picture and friends' list, as well as information you made publicly available on such account.

    • In addition, when using the Services, you may be able via your social network to "Invite a Friend" to use the Services. Should the person accept your invitation, we may obtain Personal Information from him/her such as: name, email address, phone number and date of birth. We will use the Personal Information for the purposes set out herein and disclose such information only to third parties as detailed in this Privacy Policy.

    • Feedback, reviews and testimonials: We also collect and display personal testimonials, reviews and feedback of satisfied Users on the Services in addition to other endorsements. With your consent, we may post your testimonial along with your name, on the Services. If you wish to update or delete your testimonial, you can contact us at Contact Us

    • Information we collect from third parties: We collect Personal Information from third party service providers, such as information about your credit history from credit agencies and other financial information which is relevant to the provision of the Services, as well as information which is gathered in order to verify your identity and prevent fraudulent or illegal activity.

  • Non-personal information
    The second type of information is un-identified and non-identifiable information pertaining to a User(s), which may be made available or gathered via the User’s use of the Services (“Non-Personal Information”).

    Non-Personal Information which is being collected consists of technical information and aggregated usage information, and may contain, among other things, the User’s operating system, type of browser, screen resolution, browser and keyboard language, the User’s ‘click-stream’ and activities on the Services, the period of time the User visited the Services and related time stamps, etc.

    For avoidance of doubt, any Non-personal Information connected or linked to any Personal Information shall be deemed as Personal Information as long as such connection or linkage exists.

    Types of Non-personal Information we collect from or about you:

    • Technical information: In order to enhance the functionality of the Services and to provide you with a better user experience, we collect technical information transmitted by your device, including certain software and hardware information (e.g. the type of browser and operating system your device uses, language preference, access time and the domain name of the website from which you linked to the Services; etc.).

    • Gameplay information:We record game play information including, amongst other things, your deposits, bets, bonuses, game session duration and your high scores. We may also share and publish such information through any of our Platforms.

    • Device and connection information: If you download the Software to your device, we may collect information from the particular device you are using, for security and fraud detection and prevention purposes. For example, we may gather information with regard to other software which is running simultaneously with the Software for detecting if you are using software which is associated with fraudulent activity (e.g. robots, malware, etc.) or checking if the connection you are using is via a VPN or proxy.

    • Analytics information: We collect information about your use of the Services, such as applications' usage, log files, user activity (e.g. pages viewed, the amount of time spent on particular pages, online browsing, clicks, actions, etc.), time stamps, alerts, etc. This information is collected for amongst other things troubleshooting errors and bugs as well as for research and analytics purposes about your use of the Services.

    • Anonymous information: We may anonymize or de-identify the information collected by the Services or via other means so that the information cannot, on its own, personally identify you. Our use and disclosure of such aggregated or de-identified information is not subject to any restrictions under this Privacy Policy, and we may disclose it to others without limitation and for any purpose, such as for advertising or marketing purposes.

    • MINORS

      The Services are not designed or directed to persons under the age of 18 or persons under the age of legal consent with respect to the use of the Services of any jurisdiction, whichever is higher (“Legally of Age”). If you are not Legally of Age, you should not download or use the Services nor provide any Personal Information to us.

      We reserve the right to access and verify any Personal Information collected from you. In the event that we become aware that a user who is not Legally of Age has shared any information, we may discard such information. If you have any reason to believe that a minor has shared any information with us, please contact us at Contact Us


      We will process your Personal Information for a variety of reasons, each of which is prescribed by relevant data protection laws.

      • Fulfillment of a contract, compliance with a legal obligation It is necessary for us to process your Personal Information where it is necessary for the performance of a contract (such as for the User Agreement) or in order for us to comply with our various legal and/or regulatory responsibilities, including, but not limited to, complying with the conditions of our gambling licenses and complying with any AML and KYC legislation.
      • Legitimate interests
      • We also process your Personal Information where we deem such processing to be in our (or a third party's) legitimate interests and provided always that such processing will not prejudice your interests, rights and freedoms. Examples of us processing in accordance with legitimate interests would include: (i) where we disclose your Personal Information to any one or more of our associate/subsidiary companies following a restructure or for internal administrative purposes; (ii) detection and retention of information pertaining to those with responsible gambling issues; (iii) processing for the purposes of ensuring network and information security, including preventing unauthorized access to our electronic communications network; (iv) safeguarding the integrity of our Services by combatting, reporting and sharing information related to suspicious betting patterns or fraudulent activities; (v) adhering to regulatory and statutory requirements; (vi) devising a tailored reward scheme for players; and (vii) sharing personal information with our advisers and professional services providers (such as auditors) for ensuring our compliance with regulatory requirements and industry best practices.
  • Consent
  • Our processing of your Personal Information will primarily be necessary for us to provide you with the Services. However, on certain occasions we may ask for your consent to processing Personal Information. In these instances your Personal Information will be processed in accordance with such consent and you will be able to withdraw this consent in writing at any time.
  • Special Categories of Personal Data
  • Our processing of your Personal Information may also involve special categories of personal data, such as your racial or ethnic origin (as defined under Article 9 of the GDPR). We will process such information, as well as disclose it to competent authorities (such as licensing bodies or law enforcement bodies), where it is necessary for the following purposes (to the extent permissible by applicable law): (i) prevention or detection of an unlawful act, (i) prevention of dishonesty, malpractice or other seriously improper conduct, provided that obtaining your consent may prejudice those purposes. In addition, we may process and disclose such information where it is necessary for the purposes of safeguarding your (or others’) economic well-being (such as detection and retention of information pertaining to those with responsible gambling issues).


    We use your Personal Information for the purposes listed below:
  • To set up, manage and update your account;
  • To provide and operate the Services (such as for betting and payment processing);
  • To communicate with you and to keep you informed of our latest updates to our Services and special offers;
  • To market our Services (see more below under “Marketing”), as well as to serve you advertisements, including behavioral advertising;
  • To promote our Services by displaying Users’ testimonials of our Services. The testimonials are displayed on our Services as well as on websites operated by our affiliates and partners.
  • To conduct analytics, statistical and research purposes, in order to improve and customize the Services to your needs and interests (such as by compiling aggregated reports about the usage of certain features of our Services);
  • For Customer Relationship Management purposes, and to support and troubleshoot the Services and to respond to your queries;
  • To enable us to further develop, customize and improve the Services based on Users’ common preferences and uses;
  • To provide you with a responsible gaming environment;
  • To communicate with your and to process any of your requests to exercise your User Rights;
  • To identify and authenticate your access to certain features of the Services;
  • To detect and prevent fraudulent and illegal activity or any other type of activity that may jeopardize or negatively affect the integrity of the Services, including by identifying risks associated with your activity on our Services;
  • To investigate violations of our policies and User Agreement as well as enforce our policies and the User Agreement;
  • To investigate and resolve disputes in connection with your use of the Services; and
  • As required by law or regulation (such as Know Your Customer ("KYC") and Anti-Money Laundering regulatory requirements), or as required by other governmental authorities, or to comply with a subpoena or similar legal process or respond to a government request.


    The Group will use your Personal Information, such as your name, home address, email address, telephone number etc., ourselves or by using our third party subcontractors for the purpose of providing you with promotional materials, concerning the Services as well as products, services, websites and applications which relate to: (i) other companies within the Group; (ii) White Label Brands; or (iii) Group's business partners and affiliates (collectively: “Marketing Affiliates", which we believe may interest you.

    We may also share and disclose Personal Information with our Marketing Affiliates for the purpose of providing you different marketing offers, which we, or our Marketing Affiliates, believe are relevant for you, where we have a legitimate interest to do so or where we obtained your consent.. Our Marketing Affiliates may use this Personal Information for different marketing techniques, such as direct email, post, SMS and telephone marketing purposes.

    You may at any time decline receiving further marketing offers from us or from our business partners and marketing affiliates by contacting us at to Contact Us . Please note that even if you unsubscribe from our marketing mailing list, we may continue to send you service-related updates and notifications.

    We will occasionally send you push notifications concerning the Services and products, services, websites and applications which relate to us, as well as to keep you informed of the latest improvements, features and other developments related to the Service. You may opt-out of receiving these types of communications by turning off push notifications at the device level at any time.


    We do not rent, sell, or share your Personal Information with third parties (“Recipients”) except as described in this Privacy Policy. The Personal Information will be disclosed to Recipients only to the extent required for the specific purpose, as stipulated in this Privacy Policy.
    We share Personal Information with any of the following recipients:
  • White Label Brands, including any replacement service provider that the White Label Brand may engage to operate the White Label Brands (if applicable);
  • Companies within the Group and other affiliated companies;
  • Subcontractors and third party service providers, as well as their subcontractors, which by way of example include (but is not limited to) cloud computing companies, marketing affiliates, identity verification and fraud prevention services, and other data verifiers;
  • Credit reporting agencies;
  • Payment service providers, payment processors and banks;
  • To any third parties who provide services in relation to the operation or promotion of the applicable In House Brand or the White Label Brands (if applicable);
  • To any third parties who organize offline events or tournaments on behalf of or in conjunction with any companies within the Group;
  • To hotels and flight companies (such as in the context of offline events and promotions);
  • Auditors, contractors or advisers of any of the Group’s business processes;
  • To any third parties who investigate, detect or prevent fraudulent or illegal activity (e.g. governmental authorities, police, banks and other investigatory organizations);
  • Licensing authorities, governmental and regulatory bodies, in accordance with applicable laws and regulations; and
  • Potential purchasers or investors in any of the companies within the Group or While Label Brand (if applicable), or in the event of a corporate transaction (e.g. sale of a substantial part of our business, merger, reorganization, bankruptcy, consolidation or asset sale of an asset or transfer in the operation thereof) in relation to any company within the Group (in such event, the acquiring company or transferee will assume the rights and obligations as described in this Privacy Policy).
  • In addition to the purposes listed in this Privacy Policy, we share Personal Information with those Recipients for any of the following purposes:
  • Storing such information on our behalf, for example by using cloud computing service providers;
  • Processing such information to assist us with our business operations (e.g. to process payments and your deposits; authenticate your access; auditing our operations; detect and prevent fraudulent or illegal activity; etc.);
  • Performing research, technical diagnostics or analytics;
  • Communicating targeted advertising, as well as promotional and informational materials, in accordance with our marketing policy (see below, under "Marketing"); and
  • Whenever we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect our rights or legal claims, enforce our policies (including our User Agreement and Privacy Policy), protect your safety or the safety of others, as well as to investigate or prevent any fraud, for security reasons or to help us with any other related technical issue.


    Since we operate globally, it may be necessary to transfer your Personal Information to countries outside the European Union. The data protection and other laws of these countries may not be as comprehensive as those in the European Union.
    We use best efforts to ensure that your Personal Information is protected in accordance with our privacy policy, through contractual means (such as by using the contractual clauses approved by the relevant regulators for data transfer) or other means (such as ensuring that the jurisdiction imposes adequate safeguards for data protection).


    When you visit or access our Services (for example when you visit our websites), we use (and authorize third parties to use) web beacons, cookies, pixels, scripts, tags and other technologies ("Tracking Technologies").
    The Tracking Technologies allow us to automatically collect information about you and your online behavior, as well as your device (for example your computer or mobile device), for different purposes, such as in order to enhance your navigation on our Services, improve our Services’ performance and customize your experience on our Services. We also use this information to collect statistics about the usage of our Services, perform analytics, deliver content which is tailored to your interests and administer services to our Users, advertisers, publishers, customers and partners.
    We also allow third parties to collect information about you through Tracking Technologies.


    While using the Services you may encounter links to third party websites, services or applications. Please keep in mind that this Privacy Policy does not apply to any third party websites, services or applications, even if they are accessible, downloadable, or otherwise distributed through the Services.
    Please be advised that such third party websites, services or applications are independent from the Group. We assume no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to privacy matters or any other legal matter with respect to such third party websites and/or services. We encourage you to carefully read the privacy policies and the terms of use of such third party websites and/or services, as their terms, not ours, will apply to any of your interactions with such third parties.
    You should always review their privacy practices carefully before providing Personal Information to such third parties.
    You are knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks of using any third-party websites, services or applications. You agree that we shall have no liability whatsoever with respect to such third party sites and your usage of them.


    If you have registered with an account through our Services, the Group will retain your Personal Information during the period your account is active. In addition, the Group will retain your Personal Data for additional periods, to enable the Group to meet its legal obligations under applicable laws or regulations, such as the applicable gambling regulations, Know-Your-Customer and Anti-Money Laundering regulations.
    In addition, the Group may retain your Personal Information for longer periods, provided that retaining such information is necessary for the Group’s legitimate interests, such as fraud prevention and record keeping.


    You may contact us at any time Contact Us and request:
    • To access or delete any Personal Information relating to you;
    • To change or update any Personal Information relating to you (for example, if you believe that your Personal Information is incorrect, you may ask to have it corrected or deleted). Note that you may also request that we will correct errors with regard to your Personal Information (except in cases where the information is required to be kept in its original format under any applicable laws and regulations);
    • That we will restrict or cease any further use of your Personal Information;
    • That we will provide the Personal Information you volunteered to us in a machine-readable format.

    Please note that these rights are not absolute and requests are subject to any applicable legal requirements, including gambling regulations and other legal and ethical reporting or document retention obligations. We may also rectify, replenish or remove incomplete or inaccurate information, at any time and at our own discretion, in accordance with our internal policies.


    We take great care in implementing and maintaining the security of the Services and your information. We have put in place appropriate physical and technological safeguards to help prevent unauthorized access, to maintain data security, and to use correctly the information we collect online. These safeguards vary based on the sensitivity of the information that we collect and store.
    We employ industry standard procedures and controls to ensure the safety of our users’ information, such as:
    • Secure network topology, which includes intrusion prevention and Firewall systems;
    • Encrypted communication;
    • Authentication and Access Control;
    • External and Internal audit tests; etc.

    Although we take reasonable steps to safeguard information, we cannot be responsible for the acts of those who gain unauthorized access or abuse the Services, and we make no warranty, express, implied or otherwise, that we will prevent such access.


    We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time, so please re-visit this page frequently. We will provide notice of substantial changes of this Privacy Policy on the Services and/or we will send you an e-mail regarding such changes to the e-mail address that you volunteered. Such substantial changes will take effect seven (7) days after such notice was provided on any of the above mentioned methods. Otherwise, all other changes to this Privacy Policy are effective as of the stated “Last Revised” date, and your continued use of the Services after the Last Revised date will constitute acceptance of, and agreement to be bound by, those changes.


    If you have any general questions about the Services or the information that we collect about you and how we use it, please contact us v Contact Us or by sending a letter to:

    We will make an effort to reply within a reasonable timeframe. Please feel free to reach out to us at any time. If you are unsatisfied with our response, you can reach out to the applicable data protection supervisory authority.
    The Platforms are operated by:
  • tradacasino.com
  • Attn: Data Protection Officer
  • 135, High street, Sliema SLM 1549, Malta
  • DPO@aspireglobal.com


    Revised at: May 3rd 2018


    When you visit or access our websites or applications operated by us, or when you interact or engage with our content ( "Services"), we use (and authorize third parties to use) web beacons, cookies, pixel tags, scripts, tags, API and other technologies ( "Tracking Technologies"). The Tracking Technologies allow us to automatically collect information about you and your online behavior, as well as your device (for example your computer or mobile device), in order to enhance your navigation on our Services, improve our Services performance and customize your experience on our Services. We also use this information to collect statistics about the usage of our Services, perform analytics, deliver content which is tailored to your interests and administer services to our Users, advertisers, publishers, customers and partners.

    We also allow third parties to collect information about you through Tracking Technologies.

    What are cookies?

    Cookies are small text files (composed only of letters and numbers) that a web server places on your computer or mobile device when you visit a webpage. When used, the cookie can help make our Services more user-friendly, for example by remembering your language preferences and settings. You can find more information about cookies at all about cookies

    Cookies are widely used in order to make websites work in an efficient way. The use of cookies allows you to navigate between pages efficiently. Cookies remember your preferences, and make the interaction between you and the Services smoother and more efficient. Cookies are also used to help ensure that the advertisements you see online are relevant to you and your interests.

    Storing Tracking Technologies

    We store Tracking Technologies when you visit or access our Services (for example when you are visiting our websites) – these are called "First Party Tracking Technologies". In addition, Tracking Technologies are stored by other third parties (for example our analytics service providers, business partners and advertisers) who run content on our Services – these are called "Third Party Tracking Technologies".

    Both types of Tracking Technologies may be stored either for the duration of your visit on our Services or for repeat visits.

    Storing Tracking Technologies

    There are five main types of Tracking Technologies:
    • Strictly necessary Tracking Technologies –

      These Tracking Technologies are essential to enable you to login, navigate around and use the features of our Services, or to provide a service requested by you (such as your username). We do not need to obtain your consent in order to use these Tracking Technologies. These Tracking Technologies can be used for security and integrity reasons - for example to detect violation of our policies and for support or security features.

    • Functionality Tracking Technologies –

      These Tracking Technologies allow our Services to remember choices you make (such as your language) and provide enhanced and personalized features. For example, these Tracking Technologies are used for authentication (to remember when you are logged-in) and support other features of our Services.

    • Performance Tracking Technologies –

      These Tracking Technologies collect information about your online activity (for example the duration of your visit on our Services), including behavioral data and content engagement metrics. These Tracking Technologies are used for analytics, research and to perform statistics (based on aggregated information).

    • Marketing or Advertising Tracking Technologies –

      These Tracking Technologies are used to deliver tailored offers and advertisements to you, based on your derived interests, as well as to perform email marketing campaigns. They can also be used to limit the number of times you see an advertisement as well as help measure the effectiveness of the advertising campaign. They are usually placed by our advertisers (for example advertising networks) and provide them insights about the people who see and interact with their ads, visit their websites or use their app.

    • Social media Tracking Technologies –

      Our website includes social media features, such as the Facebook "Like" or "Share" buttons. These features are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our Services. Your interactions with these features are governed by the privacy statement of the company providing these features.

     Tracking Technologies Type Purpose
     Analytics Cookies First party Tracking Technology Performance Tracking Technologies
    These Tracking Technologies are used to collect information regarding how you interact with the content on our Services, attribution purposes (for example, the referral URL, etc. We use the information to compile reports, calculate the revenues due to us and, help us improve the Services and to offer personalized products and content.
    Google Analytics Third party Tracking Technology Performance Tracking Technologies
    This cookie is used to collect information about how visitors use our Services. We use the information to compile reports and to help us improve the Services. The cookies collect the number of visitors to the Services, where visitors have come to the Services from and the pages they visited, and other data Google Privacy Policy
    Google Tag Manager Third party Tracking Technology

    Performance Tracking Technologies

    This cookie is associated with Google Tag Manager which we use to load scripts into our website pages. Google Privacy Policy


    Third party Tracking Technology

    Marketing or Advertising Tracking Technologies
    Facebook pixel is a code that is placed on the header of our websites and we later on use Lookalike feature on Facebook to reach similar audiences who took actions within our websites and improve advertisement capabilities. Facebook privacy policy

    Protected Media Third party Tracking Technology

    Strictly necessary Tracking Technologies

    These cookies are used for cyber security and fraud detection and prevention purposes.

    Protected Media privacy policy
    LinkedIn Third party Tracking Technology

    Marketing or Advertising Tracking Technologies
    LinkedIn pixel is a code that is placed on the header of our websites and allows the display of targeted ads based on the user’s browsing behaviour or possibly on interests.. LinkedIn Privacy Policy

    Appsflyer Third party Tracking Technology

    Performance Tracking Technologies

    This is used to measure and track installs (attribution vendor).

    Appsflyer privacy policy
    Criteo Third party Tracking Technology

    Marketing or Advertising Tracking Technologies

    The advertising service Criteo allows the display of targeted ads based on the user’s browsing behaviour or possibly on interests

    You can view the policy here and you can disable it from here 
    Betgenius Third party Tracking Technology

    Marketing or Advertising Tracking Technologies

    The advertising service Criteo allows the display of targeted ads based on the user’s browsing behaviour or possibly on interests

    You can view the policy here  and you can disable it from here 
    Other cookies Third party Tracking Technology Strictly necessary Tracking Technologies
    - these unlisted cookies might be in use on internal sections of the Services, in order to customize and simplify the user experience on the site by remembering choices you made and your log in credentials.
    Marketing Tracking Pixel Third party Tracking Technology Adoric is a platform that allows to display personalized message on the website based on information in users cookies. Adoric is as well using cookies to save information on how players are engaging to message displayed. Privacy Policy
    Xtreme push Third party Tracking Technology Marketing or Advertising tracking technologies Xtreme push services allows us to send web push notifications to users that have opted in to this service. Information is combined with our first party cookie to personalize messages. please refer to Xtreme push Privacy Policy


    While using the Services you may encounter links to third party websites, services or applications. Please keep in mind that this Privacy Policy does not apply to any third party websites, services or applications, even if they are accessible, downloadable, or otherwise distributed through the Services.
    Please be advised that such third party websites, services or applications are independent from the Group. We assume no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to privacy matters or any other legal matter with respect to such third party websites and/or services. We encourage you to carefully read the privacy policies and the terms of use of such third party websites and/or services, as their terms, not ours, will apply to any of your interactions with such third parties.
    You should always review their privacy practices carefully before providing Personal Information to such third parties.
    You are knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks of using any third-party websites, services or applications. You agree that we shall have no liability whatsoever with respect to such third party sites and your usage of them.


    If you have registered with an account through our Services, the Group will retain your Personal Information during the period your account is active. In addition, the Group will retain your Personal Data for additional periods, to enable the Group to meet its legal obligations under applicable laws or regulations, such as the applicable gambling regulations, Know-Your-Customer and Anti-Money Laundering regulations.
    In addition, the Group may retain your Personal Information for longer periods, provided that retaining such information is necessary for the Group’s legitimate interests, such as fraud prevention and record keeping.


    You may contact Contact Us us at any time by email (at: support@tradacasino.com, and request:
    • To access or delete any Personal Information relating to you;
    • To change or update any Personal Information relating to you (for example, if you believe that your Personal Information is incorrect, you may ask to have it corrected or deleted). Note that you may also request that we will correct errors with regard to your Personal Information (except in cases where the information is required to be kept in its original format under any applicable laws and regulations);
    • That we will restrict or cease any further use of your Personal Information;
    • That we will provide the Personal Information you volunteered to us in a machine-readable format.

    Please note that these rights are not absolute and requests are subject to any applicable legal requirements, including gambling regulations and other legal and ethical reporting or document retention obligations. We may also rectify, replenish or remove incomplete or inaccurate information, at any time and at our own discretion, in accordance with our internal policies.


    We take great care in implementing and maintaining the security of the Services and your information. We have put in place appropriate physical and technological safeguards to help prevent unauthorized access, to maintain data security, and to use correctly the information we collect online. These safeguards vary based on the sensitivity of the information that we collect and store.
    We employ industry standard procedures and controls to ensure the safety of our users’ information, such as:
    • Secure network topology, which includes intrusion prevention and Firewall systems;
    • Encrypted communication;
    • Authentication and Access Control;
    • External and Internal audit tests; etc.

    Although we take reasonable steps to safeguard information, we cannot be responsible for the acts of those who gain unauthorized access or abuse the Services, and we make no warranty, express, implied or otherwise, that we will prevent such access.


    We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time, so please re-visit this page frequently. We will provide notice of substantial changes of this Privacy Policy on the Services and/or we will send you an e-mail regarding such changes to the e-mail address that you volunteered. Such substantial changes will take effect seven (7) days after such notice was provided on any of the above mentioned methods. Otherwise, all other changes to this Privacy Policy are effective as of the stated “Last Revised” date, and your continued use of the Services after the Last Revised date will constitute acceptance of, and agreement to be bound by, those changes.


    If you have any general questions about the Services or the information that we collect about you and how we use it, please contact us Contact Us or by sending a letter to:

    We will make an effort to reply within a reasonable timeframe. Please feel free to reach out to us at any time. If you are unsatisfied with our response, you can reach out to the applicable data protection supervisory authority.
    The Platforms are operated by:
  • tradacasino.com
  • Attn: Data Protection Officer
  • 135, High street, Sliema SLM 1549, Malta
  • DPO@aspireglobal.com


    Revised at: May 3rd 2018

    How to manage your cookie settings
    Please note that we do not recognize or respond to automated browser signals regarding Tracking Technologies, including "Do Not Track" requests. However, there are various ways in which you can manage and control your cookie settings. Please remember that, by deleting or blocking cookies, some of the features of the Services may not work properly or as effectively.
    • Turning off cookies via your web browser –

      Most web browsers will provide you with some general information about cookies, enable you to see what cookies are stored on your device, allow you to delete them all or on an individual basis, and enable you to block or allow cookies for all websites or individually selected websites. You can also normally turn off third party cookies separately. Please note that the settings offered by a browser or device often only apply to that particular browser or device.

    • Information about cookies is usually found in the "Help" section of the web browser. Below are some links to some commonly used web browsers:
      • Chrome
      • Chrome for Mobile
      • Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge
      • Firefox
      • Safari
      • OperaSafari

    • Turning off third party cookies:you can turn off certain third party cookies for advertising purposes by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative, located here: Network Advertising Initiative or the DAA opt-out program, which are located here: http://www.aboutads.info/choices/, here (for EU/EEA citizens): youronlinechoices.eu and here (for mobile devices): aboutads.info/appchoices

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